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          15608181518??? 18683438262
          日期:2022-11-25 16:57:52

          For small and medium-sized enterprises, such as electronic stores, small games, payment types, H5 page website development, etc., the losses caused by network attacks are considerable. Now let's talk about what problems will occur when we encounter network attacks in website production?

          A variety of network attack factors will also cause serious damage to enterprises, making enterprises spend a lot of money to recover data or strengthen network security facilities, and find professional personnel to immediately intervene in security services to eliminate the adverse effects of network attacks. Even in this way, many enterprises are unable to recover data for a little longer, and the loss is more serious, so they may also face bankruptcy. In the long run, hackers are willing to pay a high ransom to decrypt sensitive and important data of small and medium-sized enterprises to gain benefits after they can do nothing in the face of network attacks. And hackers also know that SMEs are not so perfect in security defense level. Therefore, the rule of obtaining larger profits at a smaller cost has led to more and more frequent network attacks against small and medium-sized enterprises, with a ladder growth every year.(網(wǎng)站建設(shè),小程序開發(fā),網(wǎng)站設(shè)計公司

          It is inevitable that the key underlying infrastructure will be destroyed. The destruction of the underlying infrastructure means that the business of network operation will be interrupted, bringing negative news to enterprises. If it is a large listed company, the stock market will also fall with the turbulence. Network attacks may also cause the enterprise or legal person to be involved in legal disputes.(網(wǎng)站建設(shè),小程序開發(fā),網(wǎng)站設(shè)計公司

          Small companies will always pay a huge price for network attacks, so should they take security measures in advance to minimize losses? Yinuo Internet believes that the answer is obvious and must be needed. Don't take chances. As the person in charge of an enterprise, you will generally consider it in the long run. In the past, when network attacks were not so frequent, people did not have that security awareness, and enterprise managers paid more and more attention to security.

          Core data is the lifeblood of an enterprise. If the customer's personal identifiable identity information, financial information leakage and data loss of an enterprise suffering from network attacks happen to be not backed up by the enterprise, which leads to the loss of confidence in the enterprise, the customer will also require compensation in various forms. Or it happened to be known by the enterprise's peers, which led to the reduction of customers, and the failure to solve problems for customers in a timely manner. At the same time, the company's reputation was lost, so the business of the enterprise was unabl(網(wǎng)站建設(shè),小程序開發(fā),網(wǎng)站設(shè)計公司)e to recover, and finally went to the end.

          In order to minimize the risk of enterprise website production, it is necessary to create an emergency filing plan, build a basic early warning platform, and take actions such as data backup and protection when receiving early warning reports. It can be attacked without affecting normal operation:

          1. Regular basic safety training for company staff. Don't click on malicious links or phishing email attachments at will. Avoid information theft;(網(wǎng)站建設(shè),小程序開發(fā),網(wǎng)站設(shè)計公司

          2. Set permissions for important data, implement security protocols, and standardize operations;

          3. Install new anti-virus software on all networked devices of the enterprise, update the operating system and install patches regularly;


          4. Whether through hardware or software, sensitive files should be encrypted or data should be backed up regularly. Hardware encryption needs to be performed with a dedicated encryption device, while software encryption uses resources on the device to encrypt and decrypt data.
